Madame Figaro Hong Kong | Interviewing Three Hong Kong Based Artists | Why do foreign artists choose to stay in Hong Kong while everyone chooses to go abroad?
Interviewing Three Hong Kong Based Artists | Why do foreign artists choose to stay in Hong Kong while everyone chooses to go abroad?
(This is a partial English translation of the article. Please scroll down for the original Chinese article.)
A Love Letter to Hong Kong
Those who are born and raised in Hong Kong are familiar with the hectic city life, but most of them haven’t spent much time exploring the city’s more than 1000 square kilometres of land. But it turns out that ordinary Hong Kong for you and me is seen differently by the artists who live here. For many foreign artists, it’s worth using stroke by stroke to ponder the most special place in their hearts: Hong Kong. Here, we can see several foreign artists who are reshaping Hong Kong from a new perspective.
As a participating artist and curator of the local art exhibitions "Driven" and "Affordable Art Fair", Kyra Campbell, with a love for Hong Kong, gathered a group of foreign artists living in Hong Kong to hold their own solo exhibitions. In the era of the Covid-19 epidemic, art brings a touch of vitality.
“Due to the Covid-19 situation, many artists have lost the opportunity to exhibit their artworks. But through this exhibition, their voices can finally be seen through their artworks.”
Because of Kyra’s efforts, we got to know three foreign artists who crossed borders, depicting the side of Hong Kong that you haven’t seen.
作為土生土長的香港人,過著朝十晚十的忙碌生活,大概也很久沒有花時間好好審視這片1000多平方公里的土地,但原來於你我而言的的平凡香港,在幾位外國藝術家來説,卻值得用一筆一墨,琢磨心中最特別的地方 – 「香港」。在這裏,我們遇見了幾位外國藝術家,以全新視角重塑香港。
作為本地藝術展覽「Driven」和「Affordable Art Fair」的參展藝術家暨策展人Kyra Campbell,懷著熱愛香港的心,聚集了一群居港的外國藝術家,舉辦專屬他們的個展,為的不過想在疫情時代,以藝術帶來一絲生氣。
Thank you to Madame Figaro Hong Kong for featuring Szabotage artworks. Click here to read more.